Six Winter Container Plants

To keep your garden looking alive and vibrant during the winter months, why not prepare yourself some container plants.

If you struggle with plant pot arrangements, why not arrange them so that the tallest plant is in the centre and smaller plants are around the outside. You could also use larger pots/containers and mix several items for a beautiful variated planter.

6 Top Winter Container Plants

Winter-flowering Heather is one of the most reliable winter flowering plants and comes out in a purple flourish.

Winter-flowering Pansies create a spectacular bloom, and they need very little care.

Snow Drops are a late winter/early spring flower is when they bloom, we know that nicer weather will soon be here.

Christmas Rose or Hellebore are perennial plants with a long flowering period, lasting into early spring.

Carex has arching leaves and comes in a variety of colours, including blueish-grey and bronze

Hardy Cyclamen are hardy enough to survive in a UK winter.  They have a tubular bloom and will seed themselves each year.