How Growing Flowers in Your Vegetable Garden Can be Beneficial

Also known as “companion planting”, mixing certain flowers and herbs in with your vegetables can have multiple benefits! Certain flowers can help deter unwanted pests, add valuable nutrients to the soil, whilst others can attract pollinators, which are necessary for growth.

Borage is a pollinator attracting herb that has edible flowers and leave (good for salads, or iced beverages) and is best used for tomatoes, strawberries and squash.

Marigolds are an excellent pest deterrent (above and below ground) and are also edible, typically used in salads and dressings.

Nasturtium deters pests, is an edible garnish or salad addition with a peppery flavour and is best paired with cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, potatoes, and brassicas.

Calendula have edible flower petals and attracts pollinators and “good” bugs like green lacewings and ladybugs. It’s sticky sap can trap unwanted pests like white flies, thrips and aphids.

Lavender is an excellent culinary herb which repels deer and cabbage moths but is very attractive to pollinators.

Sunflowers are not only beautiful but excellent at attracting pollinators.

By utilising this technique, you should not only see less pests but also find that more bees and butterflies frequent your vegetable patch. By planting certain herbs and flowers in with your vegetables, you will reap a multitude of benefits.